A key facility at the international terminal is the Central Services Building (CSB) which houses a number of crucial building services including 3 diesel generators which are served by 5 existing 55,000 litre underground fuel tanks and associated pipework, filters and pumps.
Vaughan Civil’s works includes the replacement of the old UST infrastructure with Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST’s).
The principal components of the Works comprise 3 new 68,000 litre above ground fuel storage tanks and a new fuel dispenser for refuelling of Sydney Airport mini tankers. The Works include safe access platforms and all associated pipework, controls, control valves, additional external lighting, new dedicated essential and non-essential power supplies and demolition of existing site infrastructure.
The project site is located on Centre Road, the public entryway to Sydney's International Terminal. Access, traffic and sequencing of works are meticulously planned to ensure operations of the busy terminal are maintained.
Detailed scope:
- Identify and protect existing services
- Source and commission temporary fuel tank for period of works
- Dismantle awning over refuelling area
- Remove asbestos sheeting from brick building
- Demolish the curved roof canopy and adjacent brick building
- Decommission and remove 4 x 50,000L fuel underground storage tanks (UST) and all associated pipework, ensuring that sides of excavations are fully restrained and wholesale lowering of the water table is avoided. Sheet piling and shoring boxes TWD to be in place to protect adjacent buildings due to poor ground conditions
- Decommission and grout/foam fill 1 x 50,000L fuel UST and 1 x 2000L oil UST
- Reinstate ground following removal of USTs
- Construct underground civil services, including installation of 1000L Puraceptor, stormwater drainage, electrical conduits for lighting
- Construct new concrete slabs and tank plinths
- Install 3 new fuel ASTs and associated pipework, valves, filters and controls, including integration into the Airport Management System
- Design and install new access platform and stairs
- Design and install new power distribution boards
- Install new external lighting